Brand Activation; A global, virtual meetup

23 February 2024 —  < 1 Mins. Reading
Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Experience Overview:

  • Our client needed to launch its new products to regional teams in a timely manner. When it held the meeting at its corporate headquarters, only a few employees could attend.
  • The company needed a solution to include as many employees as possible in product-launch announcements and do it so that everyone shared the surprise and excitement simultaneously.
  • UnOrdinary Spaces was able to organize a small meeting in the Netherlands and streamed it to all regional locations. The new products were shipped to each site. Once the announcement was made, an employee would reveal those products in each remote location.

Experience Highlights:

  • Employees shared in the excitement of the product launch and touched and felt the products at the same time as the announcement.


  • The first launch meeting was such a big success, the client now does these four times a year for all product launches in Europe.